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Ambiente 2023: Enormous demand and great confidence from the industry

12 May 2022

Exhibitors and trade visitors can look forward to a first-class world's leading trade fair for consumer goods from February 3 to 7, 2023. The industry agrees that Ambiente is the international platform for meeting customers from all over the world. Due to the high demand, the hall layout of Ambiente has been optimized. This offers visitors even more efficient ways of ordering, finding inspiration and networking. With the leading international trade fairs Christmasworld and Creativeworld taking place at the same time, participation is even more valuable for exhibitors and visitors thanks to additional business potential.

In 2023, under the motto „Home of Consumer Goods“, Ambiente, Christmasworld, and Creativeworld will be held simultaneously, Graphic: Messe Frankfurt
In 2023, under the motto „Home of Consumer Goods“, Ambiente, Christmasworld, and Creativeworld will be held simultaneously, Graphic: Messe Frankfurt

"The reactions from the market are very impressive. We have received a great deal of trust and acceptance from our customers, as well as an unconditional desire to be placed at the upcoming Ambiente. For this reason, we will specifically strengthen the hall occupancy in growth areas, consistently leverage synergies and think short distances for everyone involved at the same time. In this way, we will create an even more advantageous link with the leading trade fairs Christmasworld and Creativeworld which will be held in parallel and their product ranges," says Yvonne Engelmann, Director of Ambiente Living, Giving, Working.

Synergies for the working and furnishing worlds of tomorrow
Buyers will find everything to do with Ambiente Living, Giving and Working in the East part of the exhibition ground. At Interior Design, in Hall 3.1, all styles relating to living, furnishing and decorating can be experienced. In addition to exhibitors such as Blomus, Bloomingville and Guaxs, international tableware exhibitors such as Alessi, Georg Jensen and Stelton will also be presenting their products in Hall 3.1 at the upcoming event, where design-oriented buyers as well as concept stores and design studios will find inspiration for their ranges. "Ambiente is an international platform where we meet customers from all over the world. We show our new designs to existing and new customers. It's great that the three fairs will now be held at the same time. This makes participation even more important for exhibitors or visitors. Meeting brands face-to-face and understanding them is very important for sales, success and the company in the world we live in today," emphasizes Paul C. Knudsen, Sales Director at Broste Copenhagen. Nuno Gameiro, Sales Director at Asa Selection, has a similar view: "Customers from Germany and abroad have already firmly scheduled their visit to Ambiente for 2023. As the leading trade fair, Ambiente is THE international destination for our industry. For the success of our brand and collections, it is essential to inspire people, to arouse passion and emotions. The best way to do this is to talk to them in person. Ideas can arise spontaneously, during an unforeseen conversation at the trade fair, it happens from person to person. Digital offerings do not "humanize"; there is no alternative to personal encounters. The fact that Ambiente, Christmasworld and Creativeworld will be held in parallel in 2023 is a logical consequence of the increasingly overlapping ranges of retail concepts."

Ambiente is an increasingly important meeting place for professional buyers from the contract business sector. It offers a unique opportunity for interior designers of hotels, restaurants, clubs and co-working spaces to experience and order the right furnishing concepts and high-quality design. The attractive range of brands includes Richmond Interiors and Lambert, for example.

In 2023, the Contract Business section will also be expanded to include the Future of Work theme in Hall 3.1. Here, office furnishers, interior designers, project developers, facility managers, wholesalers and retailers will meet suppliers of office furnishings, special presentations and exciting series of lectures, with which the future of office work will be designed, explained and made tangible.

Visitors will find everything on the topics of home furnishings, small furniture, lighting or home accessories at Interiors & Decoration in Hall 3.0. with exhibitors such as Clayre & Eef, Greengate, Gries Deco with the brand Ipuro, Kaheku schönes Wohnen, Kare Design, IB Laursen or Lightmakers with the brand Light & Living. "As the core event of the consumer goods sector and the leading international trade fair, Ambiente is the industry's most important real platform for its presentation of goods, concepts, trends and ideas. The personal exchange in connection with the real feeling of touching the products as well as the experiential communication with the exhibitors promotes the ideas that retailers can subsequently implement at the point of sale. Retailers order the merchandise for their sales. The better the conditions and the information available for this, the greater the certainty that the individual company will be retained," emphasizes Hamid Yazdtchi, Managing Director of the Gilde Group.

Ambiente: Networking, innovations and market developments, Photo: Messe Frankfurt/Petra Welzel
Ambiente: Networking, innovations and market developments, Photo: Messe Frankfurt/Petra Welzel

New ranges for the trade
There are even more synergy effects from which exhibitors and visitors benefit in Hall 4.2, where visitors will find trend-oriented gifts, fast-moving items, decorative accessories, writing utensils, greeting cards and personal accessories in the Urban Gifts & Stationery section. Exhibitors such as Abc Karten, Avancarte, Kikkerland, Troika, Werkhaus or Zip & Friends with the brand Bull & Hunt natural leather will present their highlights there. The proximity to the complementary product worlds of Christmasworld with seasonal and floral decorations and packaging is ideal for exhibitors and buyers. Directly adjacent to Hall 4.2 and on one level, the Gift Ideas & School product area in Hall 6.2 with exhibitors such as Accentra, Adel, Busquets, Cepewa, Gabol, Patio and Sheepworld will show decorative and classic gifts, souvenirs, traditional crafts, accessories, bags and school supplies.

"If you look at the international consumer goods fair Ambiente in Frankfurt in sporting terms, it is simply put the world championship of trade. Through the leading trade fairs Ambiente, Christmasworld and Creativeworld, which take place in parallel, many nations physically meet in the most diverse business areas - be they customers or even suppliers. This dynamic is unique, extremely motivating, immensely inspiring and in no way comparable to hybrid/digital offerings," says Margit Wurzer-Stummer, CEO Top Team Munich. Dr. Rüdiger Kress, owner of Artebene Group, agrees: "We are delighted to finally be able to welcome our retail partners in person again - from all over the world and in the middle of Germany. As a long-standing exhibitor, we briefly regretted the abandonment of Paperworld, but the motto "Home of Consumer Goods" perfectly describes what trade must offer today. In this context, the themes of design, lifestyle and sustainability are equally important to us, and the Future Retail and Digital Expansion offerings must interest us all."

International suppliers of paper, office supplies and stationery will have a new home in Hall 4.2 at Ambiente. Exhibitors such as Durable, Herma, HSM, Novus Dahle and Sigel have already registered for the Office product area with its office supplies, equipment and technology. For Rolf Schifferens, Managing Director of Durable Hunke & Jochheim, the face-to-face meeting cannot be replaced digitally: "Like many other companies, we have also developed digital possibilities and concepts that we will continue to use to communicate with our customers. Nevertheless, the face-to-face meeting will continue to have an important role in the future for the comprehensive presentation of the company as well as the intensive exchange with suppliers, customers and partners in the industry. From my point of view, this important function can be supplemented but not replaced by digital media."

The Remanexpo product area with remanufactured printer consumables and components, printer hardware and software as well as environmental and disposal products can be found in the Congress Center in 2023, with exhibitors* such as 3T Supplies, Cross Imaging or Denner among others.

With the newly set up and expanded structure of Ambiente, the living worlds merge seamlessly, so that retailers benefit from an incomparable crossover of product groups, themes, segments and synergies. On the one hand, the retail trade will receive new impetus from new product segments and, in particular, specialist retailers for paper, office supplies and stationery will in future be able to find all the relevant suppliers for their product ranges at Ambiente – whether classic office supplies and office technology or stationery and trend-oriented gift articles. But that's not all: the close integration of all Ambiente sections with Christmasworld and Creativeworld, which take place in parallel, gives exhibitors and visitors access to the diverse visitor flows of the world's leading trade fairs.

Ambiente Dining with a large return and an optimized Hall 9
With the new hall layout in the West section, Ambiente offers visitors even more efficient ways to place orders. The trend theme of baking will find its own place at Kitchen, Accessories & Baking in Halls 9.0 and 9.1. Exhibitors such as AdHoc, Birkmann, DKB Household, Fackelmann, Guardini, Mepal and Peugeot will be presenting their new products here, including baking pans and accessories, drinking bottles, bar equipment and kitchen textiles. "Ambiente continues to be the world's largest and most important hotspot for the dining industry. We can see this in the very good level of registrations. The demand for space in the Dining segment is so great, especially for the Clean Home product group, that we will be optimizing the occupancy of Hall 9. Many leading companies in the sector clearly see the need for and the benefits of Ambiente. After all, solutions develop in encounters. Cooperative ventures are simply better initiated in face-to-face discussions. Personal exchange is still crucial for making contact with target groups," says Thomas Kastl, Director Ambiente Dining.

In the Clean Home product area, exhibitors such as Albero Forte, Bama, Brabantia, Curver, Giostyle, Stephanplast or Tontarelli will be presenting cleaning appliances, household furniture, storage boxes or organization systems in Halls 9.2 and 9.3. "Ambiente 2023 is the place where new business stories are born, where partnerships are strengthened and where we can give an insight into what we do every day for our customers from all over the world. It is a great setting to showcase and be seen. At Ambiente, we enjoy creating inspiration that makes all the difference in building long-term, beneficial relationships," said Alexander Rosenlew, CEO of Orthex Group.

A wide range of promotional goods is offered by the Top Deals platform with exhibitors such as Arte Regal, EDCO Genius, Ger-Import and Koopman, which is also in Hall 9.3. Unchanged and with direct connections and short distances, buyers will find everything to do with glass, porcelain, ceramics, gold, silver, table decorations or table textiles in Hall 12 at Table and Table Select. Cristal de Paris, Dibbern, Güral, Portmerion, Robbe&Berking, Rosenthal, Wächtersbach and Val do Sol Ceramicas will be showing their latest collections. In Hall 11.0, the HoReCa segment will present itself with exhibitors such as BHS tabletop, KAR Porselen, RAK or Steelite including the HoReCa Academy. "Ambiente is the most important meeting place for our industry and we are all looking for platforms that can bring industry professionals together. The purpose of trade shows has changed over the years and Ambiente is the best platform for marketing in the tabletop industry. We believe we still need to touch the product to fully understand it. Also, due to travel restrictions over the last two years, we have a big gap to fill and need to spice up the personal relationships at every opportunity. I can't think of a better platform than Ambiente to do this," emphasizes Erbil Askan, General Manager of Bonna Porselen, who is excited to finally get back to business.

Products such as BBQ accessories, cutlery, small electrical appliances, knives, pans or pots can be found at Cook & Cut in Hall 8.0. Berkel, Bugatti, De Buyer, La Marzocco, SMEG, The Cookware Company, Tramontina or Victorinox will be showing what's hot in the industry. The physical experience remains a crucial factor in inspiration and is clearly in focus for the 2023 event, as are the digital additions before and after the show. This is why Joselito Gusso, International Business Director of Tramontina also considers Ambiente a very important platform: "Ambiente has become our global sales event of the year. We have visitors from over 80 different countries. In recent years, 40 percent of them have been new contacts. Our international sales team flies to Frankfurt from their bases all over the world to meet customers on site. Digital offers bring important economic and efficiency aspects. They are the best tool to develop our daily routines throughout the year. The physical exchange, at least once a year, brings us all, customers and industry, the atmosphere of trust and new discoveries."

Space is also in high demand in the Global Sourcing area. For years, the area at Ambiente has been the largest sourcing platform outside of China for volume business. Visitors will find Global Sourcing Dining in Halls 11.1 and 10.2, Global Sourcing Giving and Working will be presented in Hall 10.1 and Living in Halls 10.3 and 10.4.

From February 2023, Ambiente will be held at the Frankfurt exhibition center at the same time as the leading international consumer goods trade fairs Christmasworld and Creativeworld.

Ambiente/Christmasworld: February 3 to 7, 2023
Creativeworld: February 4 to 7, 2023

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Erdmann Kilian

Director Marketing Communications/Press

Erdmann Kilian

Leading international trade fair Ambiente

New perspectives open up undiscovered opportunities: As the leading international consumer goods trade fair, Ambiente maps the changes in the market with an eye to the future. For five days, it presents a unique mix of ideas and products - and is the platform for global trends. For Table, Kitchen and Housewares, the fair is the unrivalled No. 1 in the Dining segment. In Living, all styles and market segments can be experienced around the home, furnishing and decorating. Giving presents gifts and personal accessories in all facets and will in future offer high-quality stationery as well as articles relating to school supplies. The new Working section fleshes out the working worlds of tomorrow. With its future-oriented HoReCa and Contract Business segments, Ambiente also has a strong focus on the international contract business. The major themes of sustainability, new work, design, lifestyle, digital expansion of trade, and future retail accompany the event, as do a large number of industry events, young talent programs, trend presentations and awards ceremonies. Due to its unrivaled product range in terms of breadth and depth, it is unique worldwide and offers the best connections for making contacts and finding new business partners.

Home of Consumer Goods - the new one-stop store for the global order season

Under the motto "Home of Consumer Goods", Ambiente, Christmasworld and Creativeworld will be held simultaneously for the first time at one of the world's most modern trade fair centers from February 3-4 to 7, 2023. The newly created combination of three successful leading trade fairs at one location at one time thus combines their strengths and thus offers an unprecedented, simultaneously available, future-oriented product range in quality and quantity. Global business with large volumes is intensified. Messe Frankfurt will continue to offer the largest platform for global sourcing outside China. Frankfurt is thus the center of the global order season, strengthening synergy effects and efficiency for all participants, and is thus the one, comprehensive inspiration, order and networking event for a globalized industry. This is where the newest trends are presented and the global metatrends are experienced and made visible.

Nextrade – the digital marketplace

The digital ordering and data management system for suppliers and retailers in the consumer goods industry extends the trade fair and allows orders to be placed at any time of day or night, 365 days a year.

Conzoom Solutions – the platform for retailers

Conzoom Solutions is a knowledge platform that offers the consumer goods industry a wide range of studies, trend presentations, workshops and guidelines for the point of sale. It provides a complete overview of Messe Frankfurt’s international portfolio in the consumer goods sector – bundling a wide range of information for retailers.

Background information on Messe Frankfurt

The Messe Frankfurt Group is the world’s largest trade fair, congress and event organiser with its own exhibition grounds. The Group employs approximately 2,300* people at its headquarters in Frankfurt am Main and in 30 subsidiaries around the world. In 2021, the company had to contend with the challenges posed by the pandemic for the second consecutive year. Annual sales will be approximately €140* million after having been as high as €736 million in 2019 before the pandemic. Even in difficult times caused by the coronavirus pandemic, we are globally networked with our industry sectors. We have close ties with our industry sectors and serve our customers’ business interests efficiently within the framework of our Fairs & Events, Locations and Services business fields. One of the Group’s key USPs is its closely knit global sales network, which extends throughout the world. Our comprehensive range of services – both onsite and online – ensures that customers worldwide enjoy consistently high quality and flexibility when planning, organising and running their events. We are expanding our digital expertise with new business models. The wide range of services includes renting exhibition grounds, trade fair construction and marketing, personnel and food services. Headquartered in Frankfurt am Main, the company is owned by the City of Frankfurt (60 percent) and the State of Hesse (40 percent).

For more information, please visit our website at:

* Preliminary figures for 2021