Via Conzoom Solution, the content hub specifically for retailers, users can now get inspired by Ambiente and Christmasworld Trends 24+ all year round. In addition, embedded information tags provide details to the exhibition products and link directly to the exhibitor profile for ordering. In addition, retailers can use nmedia.hub to place orders with over 400 top brands at any time of day or night, 365 days a year.
With these offerings, the consumer goods trade fairs are constantly expanding their position as a year-round partner to the industry.
Click here for the digital showroom: 360° virtual tour: discover & order trends
With the new newsroom, Conzoom Solutions also provides comprehensive information on the latest news from the consumer goods market: Newsroom
Note for journalists:
Discover inspirations, trends, styles and personalities on the Ambiente Blog and further expert knowledge and ideas for retail on Conzoom Solutions. With the Conzoom Circle network, Messe Frankfurt links the most important international platforms for the global consumer goods and retail industry and bundles industry knowledge and expertise online at: www.conzoom-circle.messefrankfurt.com
Press releases & images:
- ambiente.messefrankfurt.com/press
- christmasworld.messefrankfurt.com/press
On social media:
- www.facebook.com/ambientefair
- www.instagram.com/ambientefair
- www.ambiente-blog.com
- www.linkedin.com/company/ambientefair
- www.facebook.com/christmasworld/
- www.instagram.com/christmasworld.frankfurt/
- www.linkedin.com/company/christmasworldfrankfurt
- #ambiente25 #ambientefair
- #christmasworld25 #christmasbusiness
Background information on Messe Frankfurt